This vignette was done by the same young man that did the Kraken. Obviously the quality of the Kraken was no fluke: the guy is an extremely talented and imaginative modeler. As you may note in some of the photos this effort caught the fancy of a magazine who offered him a chance to write an article about his creation for publication - and payment. Not too shabby.
I thought the use of lights was particularly well done in this piece. Note the translucent frontal areas of the alien which seem to suggest fluid-filled cavities swimming with weird internal organs. The glowing exhaust spheres of the hovering body/vehicle are well done as well. Again, like the Kraken, the stance of the figure is very natural looking. I think a sub-title of this entry could be "stopping to smell the (alien) flowers."
It will be most interesting to see what actually won in this competition and how close I came to picking the winning entries.

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