The real creature is difficult to shoot. Fortunately the L.A. Zoo has the enclosure set up in a way that you at least have a prayer of seeing one. This is mainly because they live in Eucalyptus trees and sleep about 18 hours a day. That doesn't leave a lot of room for photogenic closeups.
I got lucky, sort of, this visit. The shot above is one of the better ones, although I did managed to get a few that I liked. Most, like the above, had branches blocking part of the body, or the Koala had its head down as it was napping. I did get a couple with eyes wide open, like this one, but overall this pose seemed the epitome of Koala behavior. We should all be so lucky.
I have a couple more zoo pictures to show then I'll get back to some airplanes. It's been too long without - I'm going through withdrawal!
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